Recently in my local High School, the teachers of the teacher's Union got together and voted on whether to all take pay cuts and save other spending and keep teaching jobs that could be rid of, or to decline pay cuts. Well that's like asking a little kid if they want their cookie or not, rendering the vote useless, since one would have to be quite vacuous to not know they would turn it down.
Due to a large deficit, the BOE has been trying to make cuts, firing untenured teachers, and getting rid of miscellaneous other things, including a 20% proposed budget cut off the current arts and music appropriations. Many students passionate about those subjects are outraged, and I have been fervently fighting to keep their beloved classes and programs alive. As they attempt to limit or completely ameliorate any cuts, they often point at the complete lack of cuts from school athletics. Being an athlete, I do not enjoy such comments, especially when the full root of the problem comes from the true "gem" of public schools: the teacher's union.
Allow me to explain further: So these exceedingly special teachers are allowed to have their teacher's union to demand more and more ad infinitum, and they get whatever they wish for, yet this utterly neglects the interests of the students. Think about it: teachers refuse to take pay cuts, and things like arts and music get cut to some extent to make up for the lack of the cut in teacher's compensation. How greedy is that on the part of the teachers? With such attention being put toward outrageous Wall Street bonuses, why doesn't anyone look toward the public sector where the employees are employed with the specific pretense of HELPING the STUDENTS, while simultaneously the students are HURT by the practice of teacher unionization. Such a discovery has led me to tell the "artsy fartsy" kids that they should blame unionization for this one.
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